You have a lot of information – we’ve gone over that. You have a strong Data Governance Policy, so you know what you have, who owns the data, how it’s being used, who’s accessing it and whether it’s stale or active. But how do you make that data work? You have lots of disparate sources of data – can you correlate them and derive actionable business intelligence? Not just marketing information of your customers – how about what your employees are doing and are they being effective?
You have Security Infrastructure Data, Application Activity Data, User Activity, Host Activity, Location, Tools (tablet, mobile, desktop, etc.) and more – how do you take all of that information and build an understanding of the interaction of those data sets. Can you identify flipkart app download when there is abnormal activity, set alerts to warn of the issue and create an audit trail to make sure that you understand what happened?
Correlation of data is what makes all the information you have so valuable. It’s not information that is silo’d, but the amalgamation of the information in well-thought out scenarios that lets your organization optimize the terabytes of information available.
Do you correlate?